Maya of Australia® is delighted to be OFFICIAL PARTNER of the 9th GKR KARATE WORLD CUP 2017!


Maya of Australia® – Organic Darjeeling Tea is delighted to be official partner of the 9th GKR Karate World Cup 2017 to be held from 4-6th August 2017 at the Gold Coast, Australia.

This prestigious sporting event is held every two years attracting thousand of participants and supporters from around the world. This year, Australia is proudly hosting the event and participants will be making an incredible attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most people breaking pine boards simultaneously in a single location.

Tea and Karate has centuries-old connection. The Japanese martial art of ‘Karate’ is a combination of kara, meaning empty, and te, meaning hand. The suffix ‘-do’, meaning ‘the way’ is often added to it. karate-do, denotes karate as a total way of life that goes well beyond the self-defense applications. On the other hand, the famous Japanese tea ceremony is known as ‘Cha-do‘ (‘cha’ meaning tea) or the ‘way of tea’. It is the same ‘do’ that is referred to in ‘Karate-do’.

Cha-do has long been associated with the martial arts. Back in samurai times, the tea ritual was meant to provide concentrated form of interactions, on and off the battlefield, which gave them critical insight into life.

Did you know, today, Japan is one of the leading importers of Darjeeling tea which is enjoyed even by the members of its Royal Family.

Here’s to all Active & Health loving people – TEA CHEERS!!!
